At F&D Partners, our expertise goes beyond just navigating the dynamic landscape of deregulated supply markets. F&D Partners prides itself on being at the forefront of industry trends and innovations. By harnessing the power of our expansive network, F&D Partners goes above and beyond to not only secure the most favorable prices for our clients but also to anticipate market fluctuations and proactively adapt our strategies that bring in the most long-term savings.

Our Swing Charge
Our Competitors Swing Charge

commercial Accounts


states We operate


Retention Rate

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Depending on the client’s needs, market volatility and prediction we have different electric products:

Fixed and All Inclusive Price:

This product includes all the energy components (such as: Energy Cost, Congestion, Capacity, Ancillaries etc) and offers the most budget certainty and protects you from market price volatility.

Fixed Price with Pass-Throughs:

This product usually fixes the energy cost, but passes some of the components to the customer such as Line Loss, GRT or Capacity.

Index Price with Fixed Adder:

This product is where the customer pays the variable price of the energy based on ISO New England or NYISO and the other costs that are included in a fixed adder. This is the riskiest product and is suitable when the energy prices will fall.

Index Price with Fixed Adder and Pass-Through Costs:

This product is where the customer pays the variable price of the energy based on NYISO and fixes only some of the other costs.

List of Deregulated States in the us

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