California (CA)

F&D Partners emerges as a prominent consulting firm, specializing in sustainability and energy efficiency and operating in several deregulated US states, Canada and Mexico, helping clients save up to 40% on their energy supply costs, while helping their buildings become more energy efficient and reduce emissions, including Hotels, Production Facilities, Hospitals, Higher Education Institutions, Technology Centers, Various Facilities, etc.

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Assembly Bill 802 (AB802)

Stands as California’s comprehensive initiative for benchmarking building energy usage and facilitating public disclosure for large buildings across the state. The legislation mandates that owners of commercial buildings exceeding 50,000 square feet annually submit comprehensive energy usage data to the California State Energy Commission. Building owners, or their authorized representatives, have the prerogative to access energy usage data for benchmarking purposes, and in certain instances, data may be obtained without explicit authorization.

Who Needs to Comply

Subject to disclosure are buildings surpassing 50,000 square feet of gross floor area. Owners of commercial buildings meeting this criterion, without residential utility accounts, must commence annual reporting from June 1, 2018. Similarly, owners of multifamily residential buildings exceeding 50,000 square feet and comprising 17 or more utility accounts must initiate annual reporting from June 1, 2019.


Reporting deadlines fall annually on June 1 for buildings lacking residential utility accounts and those with 17 or more residential utility accounts. Data for such buildings is slated for public posting after June 1. Comparative performance information for each building category will be made available during the second reporting year.

Reporting Procedure

Building owners are mandated to submit their energy usage data to the EPA’s Portfolio Manager. Please contact F&D Partners to ensure a smooth process!


The Commission retains the authority to levy civil fines of up to $2,000 for instances of non-compliance.

Contact F&D Partners for a consultation on handling your energy compliance nationwide: +1 (917) 754-3588

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