Los Angeles (CA)

F&D Partners emerges as a prominent consulting firm, specializing in sustainability and energy efficiency and operating in several deregulated US states, Canada and Mexico, helping clients save up to 40% on their energy supply costs, while helping their buildings become more energy efficient and reduce emissions, including Hotels, Production Facilities, Hospitals, Higher Education Institutions, Technology Centers, Various Facilities, etc.

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The Los Angeles Building Energy Benchmarking and Water Efficiency Program (EBEWE)

Constitutes the local ordinance for disclosing and enhancing energy and water efficiency in existing multifamily, commercial, and industrial structures exceeding 20,000 square feet. Enacted since 2017, its primary objective is the identification and mitigation of energy and water consumption within Los Angeles. Under EBEWE, proprietors of large structures are obligated to gauge their buildings’ energy usage and submit reports to the City administration. Subsequently, this data is made publicly accessible to facilitate owners in evaluating their buildings’ performance against industry standards.

Mandatory Compliance

EBEWE pertains to edifices surpassing 20,000 square feet (with a lowered threshold of 7,500 square feet for structures owned by the City).

Submission Deadlines

As per the latest update, the deadline for the Benchmark Program Year 2021, initially set for June 1, 2022, has been suspended until further notice. However, the suspension of Audits and Retro-Commissioning (A/RCx) deadlines for Compliance Year 2021 remains in place, with no forthcoming extensions anticipated. It’s imperative to note that the tolling of EBEWE deadlines doesn’t impact the delineation of Program Years 2019, 2020, and 2021 for Los Angeles Building Energy Benchmarking, nor the Compliance Year 2021 for A/RCx.

Reporting Procedure

EBEWE necessitates annual submission of energy and water consumption reports from each building. Owners are required to authorize their utility providers to record and upload the energy data of their structures onto the EPA’s Portfolio Manager platform.

Penalty Structure

Non-compliance with the Existing Building Energy & Water Efficiency Program entails public disclosure of offending buildings and the imposition of compounded fines.

Contact F&D Partners for a consultation on handling your energy compliance nationwide: +1 (917) 754-3588

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