Washington, D.C. (DC)
The Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018 includes the Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS), which applies to buildings over 50,000 square feet, including commercial, multifamily residential, and government buildings. The law requires these buildings to meet or exceed the energy performance of a median building of the same type. Buildings that do not meet the required standards must either make improvements or participate in alternative compliance paths. Penalties for non-compliance can include substantial fines and mandatory corrective measures.
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Washington, D.C. (DC)
The Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018 includes the Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS), which applies to buildings over 50,000 square feet, including commercial, multifamily residential, and government buildings. The law requires these buildings to meet or exceed the energy performance of a median building of the same type. Buildings that do not meet the required standards must either make improvements or participate in alternative compliance paths. Penalties for non-compliance can include substantial fines and mandatory corrective measures.
Contact F&D Partners for a consultation on handling your energy compliance nationwide: +1 (917) 754-3588